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Timeline for #AirMOOC?

Launch 25th May, 2020. Running over 6 weeks. Release of 1 module per week. Order & start date:

  1. Impact: 25 May, 2020
  2. Strategy: 1 June, 2020
  3. Finance: 8 June, 2020
  4. Governance: 15 June, 2020
  5. Scaling: 22 June, 2020
  6. Communication: 29 June, 2020

Remark: video content will also be available on our Finance4SocialChange Youtube Channel.

What happens to #AirMOOC after the release time?

#AirMOOC will stay available for self-learning! But in the release period we moderate interaction, offer webinars, provide feedback and more!

How was #AirMOOC designed?

We take a curative approach trying to connect the dots, with a specific focus on producing cutting-edge material on "impact" and "investing". We build on existing prime content when fitting. Many thanks for letting us feature some material to: Professor Kai Hockerts of Copenhagen Business School ("CBS courses on Social Entrepreneurship"), Björn Strüwer and Christina Möhrle of Roots of Impact and Shannon Music of VIVA Idea ("Social Finance Academy"), and the EU Interreg Social(i)Makers project ("Social Innovation Academy").


Meet the entire team.

AIR Leads

Dr. Gorgi Krlev

[#AirMOOC lead. Creator of Impact & Strategy.]

Gorgi is an experienced educator and researcher with a passion for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Finance for Social Impact. He holds a PhD from Oxford University (Kellogg College).

Find Gorgi on Twitter and Linkedin.

Dr. Adrian Fuchs

[#AirCompetition lead. Creator of Finance & Governance.]

Adrian is motivated by the goal to professionalize the impact driven sector. He works for the Financing Agency for Social Entrepreneurship (FASE) based in Germany and holds a doctorate from the University of Hamburg.

Find Adrian on Linkedin.

Alexander Kesselring

[Creator of Scaling & Communication.]

Alex' professional passion is to work closely with social entrepreneurs supporting them to take the next step in replicating their solution in other regions or countries. He works as a project developer and manager at Ashoka (CEE) that initiates systems change and supports 3800 social entrepreneurs worldwide in scaling their impact.


Find Alex on Linkedin.

AIR Co-Creators


Asad Ayub

[Co-Creator Strategy.]

Asad is an anthropologist and development practitioner from South Asia and works as a trainer at CSI, University of Heidelberg. He is a staunch advocate for lifelong learning and passionate about empowerment through entrepreneurship.

Charlotte Zieger

[Co-Creator Strategy.]

Charlotte is in the final year of her bachelor degree in Sociology and works as a student assistant at CSI, University of Heidelberg. She is enthusiastic about problem solving and getting this done for the better.

Jana Moeschke

[Co-Creator Impact.]

Jana is completing her masters degree in Sociology and works as a student assistant at CSI, University of Heidelberg. She has a longstanding interest in sustainable and socially responsible business practices.

Stanislava Schwalme

[Co-Creator Impact.]

Stani works as a student assistant at CSI, University of Heidelberg. As a sociologist she is interested in supporting social entrepreneurs to drive their ideas and visions of social change forward.

Sanja Zivkovic

[Co-Creator Scaling.]

Sanja works as a senior advisor at ACT Grupa. She has 15 years of international experience working across the private, public and nonprofit sectors and also acts as the director of Co-Impact Foundation.

Denitsa Lozanova

[Co-Creator Communication.]

Denitsa works as a program director at Sofia Development Association. Her work is situated in the areas of urban development, innovation and cultural diversity and she has more than 10 years of experience in working in one of the most interesting European regions – the Balkans.

AIR Co-Creators

(external collaborators)

Sonia Oprean

[Co-Creator Impact.]

Sonia is the Co-founder & Managing Partner of Synerb Venture Catalyzer, an organization that helps purpose driven entrepreneurs to grow social ventures. She has experience in management consulting and financial services throughout 3 geographies: The Philippines, Romania and India.

Primoz Sporar

[Co-Creator Finance.]

Primoz is the President of Sklad 05 Foundation for Social Investment and member of the European Economic and Social Committee. He is specialized in Social Finance, Social Innovation and Public Participation.

Csaba Bakó

[Co-Creator Governance.]

Csaba is the founder and managing director of SIMPACT (increasing your social impact). He is an economist and experienced management consultant with a specific focus on non-profit and impact oriented organizations.

Marcela Chreneková

[Co-Creator Strategy.]

Marcela has over 10 years of experience in scientific, research and project services for the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic and lectures at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. Her professional interests relate to social development of rural areas and the social economy.

Danka Moravčíková

[Co-Creator Strategy.]

Danka is an Associate Professor at the Department of Social Sciences at the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. Her research activities are focused on topics related to the transformation of agriculture and rural areas, and on innovation in agrifood small and medium-sized enterprises.

The Partners

"AIR" was developed by "Finance4SocialChange". A consortium of organizations from across Europe are collaborating towards joining impact investing and social entrepreneurship. Check out our project website here.

Project Partners

Finance4SocialChange is co-financed by the INTERREG DANUBE Programme, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance II (IPA II) and European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI).